Alda Group
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Privacy Policy

We are committed to protecting your Privacy. This Privacy Notice explains how we will collect, handle, store and protect information about you collected from (1) the Web pages of any website or application concerning which this Privacy Notice is posted or linked (collectively referred to as the "Website"), (2) downloadable applications accessed from mobile devices with respect to which this Privacy Notice is posted or linked ("Mobile App"), or (3) any other mode of interacting with you relating to Alda Group communications, such as online or offline newsletters and magazines, that reference this Privacy Notice ("Communication"). By using the Website or continuing to receive Communications, you agree to the use of such information in accordance with this Privacy Notice. As used in this Privacy Notice, "Alda Group Network" refers to one or more of Alda Group Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a U.K. private company limited by guarantee ("DTTL," also known as "Alda Group Global"), its network of member firms and their related entities. DTTL and each of its member firms are legally separate and independent entities. Please see for a detailed description of the legal structure of DTTL and its member firms. When used in this Privacy Notice, "we," "us," and "our" refer to Alda Group Global. also includes Web pages provided by other DTTL member firms or their related entities, which are designated according to the location identified in the upper right-hand corner next to "Search." These Web pages are provided by the designated entities and are not the responsibility of DTTL. Such Web pages, as well as other websites that may be linked to the Website, are not governed by this Privacy Notice. We encourage you to review the applicable privacy notices before disclosing any Personal Information. This Privacy Notice also contains information about when we share your Personal Information with other members of the Alda Group Network and other third parties (for example, our service providers). In this Privacy Notice, Information about you, which may be referred to as personal data in some jurisdictions, is referred to as "Personal Information." We may also sometimes collectively refer to handling, collecting, protecting, and storing your Personal Information as "processing" such Personal Information

Information collection

Personal information refers to information that identifies, relates to, describes, is capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular individual or household. We may collect Personal Information when you interact with the Website or Mobile App or because you give it to us (for example, in a form on our Website or Mobile App). Depending on the specific Communication you are receiving or the Web page of the Website or Mobile App you are using, such information may consist of: your name; current job title; company name; e-mail address; country of residence; telephone and fax number(s); physical address(es); gender; date of birth; marital status; employment and education details (such as learning history, work experience, and skills); geolocation; certificate or license number; account number; photograph, video or audio recording identifiable to an individual; your postings on any blogs, forums, wikis and any other social media applications that we provide; your I.P. address; your browser type and language; your access times; complaint details; correspondence with you; the newsletters you subscribe to; Information relevant to providing services to you; and any other information that you voluntarily provide to us. We may also collect or obtain Personal Information from you because of how you interact with us or others. We do not usually seek to collect 'sensitive' or 'special categories' of Personal Information (e.g., data relating to race or ethnic origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, political opinions, medical or health conditions, or information is specifying the sex life or sexual orientation of an individual) through your use of this Website. The types of 'special categories' of Personal Information that we collect may vary depending on how you use this Website. In some rare circumstances, we might gather special categories of Personal Information about you because you volunteer that data to us, or we are required to gather that data as a result of legal requirements imposed on us. We will, where necessary, obtain your explicit consent to collect and use such information. We understand the importance of protecting children's Privacy. Our Website is not designed for, or intentionally targeted at, children. It is not our policy to knowingly collect or store information about children.

Log information, cookies, and web beacons

When you access the Website or Mobile App, we may collect standard Internet log information, including your I.P. address, browser type and language, access times, and referring website addresses. To ensure that the Website, Mobile App and Communications are well managed and to facilitate improved navigation, our service provider(s) or we may also use cookies (small text files stored in a user's browser) or web beacons (electronic images that allow us to count users who have accessed particular content and to access certain cookies) to collect aggregate data. Additional information on how we may use cookies and other tracking technologies and how you can control these can be found in our Cookie Notice.

Information use

Use of Personal Information collected via our Website or Mobile App • We may use your Personal Information collected: o to verify your identity each time you log in to the Website; o to manage your account and improve our Website or Mobile App; o to manage and promote collaboration and communication; o to provide and document training and qualifications; o to tailor the content of our Website or Mobile App to give you a more personalized experience; and o to manage our relationship with you and respond to any request you submit through our Website or Mobile App.

Use of Personal Information for other activities that form part of the operation of our business

• In addition to the purposes connected to the operation of our Website and Mobile App above, we may use your Personal Information for the purposes of, or in connection with: o applicable legal or regulatory requirements; o requests and communications from competent authorities; o sending you thought leadership or details of products and services provided by entities within the Alda Group Network that may be of interest to you; contacting you to receive feedback on these services, and contacting you for other market or research purposes; and o protecting our rights. Access to the Website or Mobile App may be subject to review, monitoring, and recording at any time to help us confirm compliance with applicable Terms of Use and that only authorized parties are accessing the Website.

Legal basis for processing Information

We are required by law to set out in this Privacy. Notice the legal grounds on which we rely in order to process your Personal Information. We use your Personal Information for the purposes outlined above because of: (a) our legitimate interests in the effective delivery of our Website and Mobile App and related services offered to you; (b) our legitimate interests in the effective and lawful operation of our Website and Mobile App so long as such interests are not outweighed by your interests; (c) the legal and regulatory obligations that we are subject to, such as keeping records for tax purposes or providing information to a public body or law enforcement agency. To the extent that we process any sensitive Personal Information relating to you for any of the purposes outlined above, we will do so because either: (i) you have given us your explicit consent to process that data; (ii) the processing is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims or (iii) you have made the information manifestly public. Where we are legally required to obtain your explicit consent to provide you with certain marketing materials, we will only provide you with such marketing materials where we have obtained such consent from you. If you do not want to continue receiving any marketing materials from us, you can unsubscribe from the communication.

Disclosure of Information to third parties

In connection with one or more of the purposes outlined in the "Information Use" section above, we may disclose details about you to other members of the Alda Group Network for legitimate business-related purposes; third parties that provide services to us, and/or the Alda Group Network; as part of a corporate transaction (such as a sale, divestiture, reorganization, merger or acquisition); competent authorities (including courts and authorities regulating another member of the Alda Group Network or us) and other third parties that reasonably require access to Personal Information relating to you for one or more of the purposes outlined in the "Information Use" section above. Concerning Mobile Apps, we may also share your usage and Personal Information with mobile carriers and platform providers, as well as any other entities described in any particular Mobile App in connection with the operation of the Mobile App. In relation to Communications, we may also share your Personal Information with service providers in connection with the delivery of such Communications. We may also need to disclose your Personal Information if required to do so by law, by a regulator, or during legal proceedings. Please note that some of the recipients of your Personal Information referenced above may be based in countries without data protection laws similar to those in effect in your area of residence. In such cases, we will ensure that there are adequate safeguards in place to protect your Personal Information that comply with our legal obligations. For example, the adequate safeguard might be a data transfer agreement with the recipient based on standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission for transfers of Personal Information to third countries. Further details of the transfers described above, and the adequate safeguards used by us in respect of such transfers, are also available from us. For such information, please contact us by using the "Contact Information" section below. Under applicable law, you may be entitled to request information concerning whether your Personal Information has been disclosed to non-affiliated third parties for their direct marketing purposes. We do not share your personal information with non-affiliated third parties for such purposes. We may share non-personal, de-identified, and aggregated information with third parties for several purposes, including data analytics, research, submissions, thought leadership, and promotional purposes.